Dirt, wagons, tractors, golf cart rides, and glorious water puddles! Every boy and some girl’s dream! The perfect Spring activity! A visit to the plant nursery. A blast for little dude & mommy. Fun, exciting and educational!
April showers bring May flowers… So we got a jump on it. Our adventure to the plant nursery couldn’t have been more exciting. We jumped on a golf cart and drove around checking out all the different plants and flowers. Naming all the different colors of the plants & flowers, counting how many flowers there were on the potted plant we put on our golf cart, comparing flower pots to see which plant had more or less flowers! Our trip could not be complete without puddle jumping! A timeless favorite!
The adventure wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t do some planting once we got back home. Digging in the flower planter, putting in our new flowers, measuring soil, and watering! Learning how to care for other living things is such an amazing lesson to teach our kiddos! Little dude loves to water our new plants and check them every morning to see if the grew any bigger over the night!
Happy Puddle Jumping & Planting!!
*****Enjoying the outdoors is an amazing way to practice identifying colors, counting, comparing, creating, measuring! It’s also a fantastic way to teach how to care for other living things! Have fun & enjoy the fresh air!! *****
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